Thursday, July 22, 2010

Orzo with Sausage and Feta

I made up a recipe tonight, compeletely just finding things in the cupboard and throwing them together. Thankfully, it turned out really well (if I do say so myself!).

I started out by browning about 12 ounces of pork sausage.

Then I boiled some orzo (about 12 ounces of that as well).

I threw the orzo in a bowl, and added some DELICIOUS basil-garlic olive oil from BR Cohn Winery and Olive Oil Company. BR Cohn is one of my favorite wineries in the Sonoma Valley. It was the first one I ever visited in Wine Country, and just fell in love. The grounds are gorgeous and the wines and olive oils are delicious. I highly recommend going there if you're ever in Sonoma. Oh, and if you want to purchase the olive oil, you can do so here.

Anyway, back to the recipe....I drizzled the olive oil over the top of the orzo (maybe a tablespoon or two of it). You can obviously use regular olive oil if you don't have any infused oil.

And added about a tablespoon and a half or two tablespoons of Greek Seasoning.

Then added a half cup of crumbled feta, put the sausage in, and added some salt and pepper before mixing it all together.

I ate it warm, but I think it would be delicous cold as well (it might need a little more olive oil). You can eat it as a side dish or as a meal. I think it would also be good with some roasted red peppers, fresh herbs, or any other addition you feel like making! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This looks so yummy. I'm def adding this to our menu next week. Thanks!! ;-)