On Wednesday evening, we had our first experience with a vomiting child. Not a fun time at all. Especially when said child can't tell you that he's about to get sick. And he's sitting on your lap in a restaurant. And you're wearing a white skirt. And he's recently eaten blueberries. It makes for a BIG mess. He got sick a few more times after we got home, but thankfully has been better since.
Thursday, Greg left for a fishing trip in Ucluelet, Canada. It's a LONG trek up there...he left our house around noon and arrived in Ucluelet at about 11:15pm. Thankfully he made it safely. I'm hoping he comes home with lots of fish!
My mom Cameron and I decided to 'beat the heat' by heading to my parents' summer house which has air conditioning. We got here around 3:30pm on Thursday. It was nice to be in the air conditioned house last night while sleeping! We actually got some good sleep!
Mom and I walked to the park with Cameron this morning and let him play. He loves going on the swings and saying 'in, out' as he 'pumps' his legs. It's pretty cute.
We just came home to cool off a little bit, and are going to take Cameron to the pool pretty soon. It's hot here, but at least it's not humid like it is at home. And having the reprieve of the a/c makes all the difference in the world.
A Cameron funny:
Sedona (my parents' dog) was laying on the couch this morning. Cameron was petting her, and then picked up one of her paws, and tried to 'swing' it like a golf club and said "Golf!"....oh my. We told him that wasn't nice, and it could hurt her (but we were cracking up inside!). :)
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