Cameron is on such a roll lately...he just makes me laugh so hard, alllll the time. I can't help but share these two stories with you.
The other day, Cameron was finishing up his lunch and I was going through some paperwork on the table, sorting things into piles (my typical MO, which is not favored by my sweet husband ;). Cameron looked over at the pile closest to him and saw a letter on letterhead from the company that delivers our milk. And we had the following conversation...
C: What that Mommy? It's the milk money?
Me: Oh, it's just a piece of paper talking about the milk.
C: But that paper don't have a mouf (mouth), Mommy.
Me: (laughing hysterically)
C: What so funny Mommy?
Oh my goodness. I almost fell off my chair. Poor boy just didn't understand how the paper could be 'talking' about the milk if it didn't have a mouth.
And the second one...
Cameron was finishing up his breakfast and rather than eat his strawberries, he was pretending that they were kids, his plate was a school bus, and his cup was the school. I overheard him having this conversation with himself, and tried my hardest to write as much of it down as I could, without laughing so hard that I'd distract him and make him stop. I was able to snap a few photos in between writing though.
Here's Cameron's best "Ugh, Mom...really? With the camera AGAIN?" pose...
"Everyone get on the school bus...We're going to school...Get on the school bus, kids...We're going to school...The school is right here (points to cup)...That's a nice orange school bus...The kids are going home...That was a fun ride! Want to go again?...We're not going home, we're going to the preschool...want to go wif (with) us?"
And honking his horn..."Beep Beep!"
And honking his horn..."Beep Beep!"
He is hilarious Stef! I love the first story about the talking paper:) I think it is great that you are documenting all of these funny things he says and does. xoxo
Hi Stef! Finally jumping on to read your blog. Love it. Cam is the cutest. So hilarious!
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